Premier livre contenant XXVIII pseaulmes de David traduictz en rithme francoise par Clément Marot, à quatre parties, en quatre livres (DuChemin, 1549) [JJ448a] F:Pn Rés. Vmc. 48 (3) (S); F:Om Rés C 3459 (C, B); Tenor from Beringen brothers, Pseaulmes cinquante, Lyon 1548 (LY48).
The 28 Psalms mark the first music publishing venture by Parisian printer Nicolas Du Chemin, and comes at the time of Janequin’s move from Angers to Paris. No complete copy of this work exists, but the missing tenor part is without any question identical with the melodies published by the Beringen brothers in Lyon in 1548 and 1549. (This is true for all the settings except Psalm 43, where Janequin has placed the melody in the superius. Consequently, the tenor line in the transcription of Psalm 43 is a reconstruction.) The psalm settings of 1549 are discussed in Chapter 7 of Clément Janequin: French Composer at the Dawn of Music Publishing. See also: “28 Psalms of 1549: notes on the transcriptions.”
LMN 267 (Psalm 1) Qui au conseil/Beatus vir
LMN 268 (Psalm 2) Pourquoy font bruit/Quare fremuerunt
LMN 269 (Psalm 3) O Seigneur que de gens/Domine quid mult
LMN 270 (Psalm 4) Quand je t’invoque/Cum invocarem
LMN 271 (Psalm 5) Aux parolles/Verba mea
LMN 272 (Psalm 6) Ne vueilles pas/Domine ne in furore
LMN 273 (Psalm 7) Mon Dieu j’ay en toy/Domine Deus meus
LMN 274 (Psalm 8) O Notre Dieu/Domine Dominus
LMN 275 (Psalm 9) De tout mon coeur/Confitebor tibi
LMN 276 (Psalm 10) Dont vient cela/Domine utquid
LMN 277 (Psalm 11) Veu que du tout/In domino confido
LMN 278 (Psalm 12) Donne secours/Saluum mefac
LMN 279 (Psalm 13) Jusques a quand/Usquequo domine
LMN 280 (Psalm 14) Le fol maling/Dixit insipiens
LMN 281 (Psalm 15) Qui est-ce qui/Domine quis habit
LMN 282 (Psalm 18) Je t’aymera/Diligam te Domine
LMN 283 (Psalm 19) Les cieulx en chascun/Coeli ennarrant
LMN 284 (Psalm 22) Mon Dieu, mon dieu/Deus meus respice
LMN 285 (Psalm 23) Mon Dieu, me paist/Dominus regit
LMN 286 (Psalm 24) La terre au Seigneur/Domini est terra
LMN 287 (Psalm 25) A toy, mon Dieu/Ad te Domine
LMN 288 (Psalm 32) O bien heureux/Beati quorum
LMN 289 (Psalm 33) Resueillez vous/Exultate justi
LMN 290 (Psalm 36) Du maling les faictz/Dixit iniustus
LMN 291 (Psalm 37) Ne sois faché/Noli æmulari
LMN 292 (Psalm 38) Las, en ta fureur/Domine ne in furore
LMN 293 (Psalm 43) Revenge moi/Deus, Deus meus
LMN 294 (Psalm 45) Propos exquis/Eructavit cor meum