Janequin’s secular music: alphabetical index
This list records works published by Lesure and Merritt in Clément Janequin: Chansons polyphoniqes (Editions de l’Oiseau Lyre, 1965-71; 2nd. ed. 1983.) As far as possible, Lesure and Merritt arranged the pieces in chronological order: thus the lowest numbers, LM1-6, are from around and before 1528, while the last entry, LM254, is from 1559 (posthumous).
Janequin’s sacred music: alphabetical index
Numbering of the sacred works follows the pattern established for the secular works. They are numbered chronologically, starting with LMN255 (pieces from the motet collection of 1533) and ending with LMN429 (the last of the 82 psalms, which were probably written in 1557, but which were published in 1559.) The present writers responsibility for the structure of this portion of the catalogue is indicated by the addition of the letter N.