Lost sources and phantoms

Phantom 01: Lisbon/24 chansons

Category: Destroyed
Proposed item: XXIV. CANCOENS MUSICAES. Compostas por Clement Jenequin, a 4
Proposed date: 1533
Proposed contents:Vingt et quatres chansons, Attaingnant, Paris, 1533 (JJ443a)
Proposed by: J. Vasconcellos (ed.)  Primeira Parte do Index da Livraria de Musica do Rey Dom João IV, (Lisbon, 1873). (List of books destroyed in earthquake in 1755)
Concordances: Copies of JJ443a in Lausanne, Munich
Arguments against: Unchallenged.

Phantom 02: Treviso/motet

Category: Severely damaged
Proposed item: Gabriel Angelus (motet)
Proposed date: Compilation of M5 ca. 1550-1600 (d’Alessi)
Proposed contents: Motet by Janequin in music manuscript M5 (motet collection) Biblioteca Capitolare, Treviso. Damaged by fire 1944, presently unreadable.
Proposed by: d’Alessi, Giovanni, “I Manoscritte Musicali del Sec. XVI del Duomo di Treviso” Acta Musicologica 1931, p. 153; d’Alessi, Giovanni La Cappella musicale del Duomo di Treviso (1300-1633) Vedelago: Tipographia “Ars et Religio” 1954; and d’Alessi, Giovanni, unpublished card catalog, Biblioteca Capitolare, Treviso.
Arguments for: Examined by d’Alessi previous to 1944 damage.
Arguments against: Reliability of 16th century compiler of M5 impossible to corroborate.

Phantom 03: Columbus/motet

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Clementis Genichin Sperantis modulation in dimidio folio
Proposed date: 1531 (Chapman68:53)
Proposed contents: Motet(s) by Janequin (Genichin)
Proposed by: Ferdinand Columbus: Biblioteca Columbina (Seville) entry 9210 Abc B, col. 311
Arguments for: Chapman68:53 suggests that “Sperantis” might be an independent work, since the numbering of the entry in the catalog suggests a purchase date of 1531.
Arguments against: Chapman68:53 opens for the possibility that her suppositions on the numbering of the entries are invalid and that “Sperantis” is an undertitle for  Sacrae Cantiones by Attaingnant, 1533. (See Phantom 04: Sacrae Cantiones)

Phantom 04: Sacrae Cantiones

Category: Bibliographical list.
Proposed item: Jannequin  Sacrae Cantiones seu motectae quatuor vocum. Parisiis, in vico Cythare prope Sanctorum Cosme et Damiani templum apud Petrum Attaingnant musice Calcographum, 1533.
Proposed date: 1533 (Fetis,1839)
Proposed contents: Four-voiced motets by Janequin printed by Pierre Attaingnant in Paris.
Proposed by: Fétis, Francois-Joseph Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie generale de la musique tome 5 (1839)  p.252-253.
Concordances: 1) C.F. Becker, Die Tonwerke des xvi. und xvii. Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, 1847, col. 23. (Probably copied Fétis 1839.) [Lesure51b:162 says “apres Becker, repris par Fétis” which doesn’t match dates above.]
Arguments for: 1) Fétis made occasional mistakes, but there is no apparent reason to believe that this is one of them. 2) Fits with known biographical and publication details. (Heartz 69:253) 3) Lesure 51b:162 points out that a motet attributed to Janequin entitled “Congregati sunt” was published in Liber cantus triginta novem motetos, Buglhat: Ferrara (1538), and that this motet is possibly from Sacrae Cantiones. (Modern edition by F. Lesure, Oiseaux Lyre, 1950 and on this website.)
Arguments against: 1) No copy has been found.

Phantom 05: Fétis/Gardano

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Sequel to Venticinque canzoni francese a quatro di clement iannequin e di altri eccellentissimi authori… (Gardano, 1538-19)
Proposed date: 1538 (Fétis 1866)
Proposed contents: “Un second livre, contenant des chansons des mêmes auteurs a paru chez le même editeur dans la même année.”(“A second book [in addition to Venticique canzoni], containing chansons by the same authors [Janequin, Certon, Damien Hauricq, Hesdin, le Heurteur and Passereau] appeared from the same publisher [Gardano] in the same year [1538].”
Proposed by: Fétis, Biographie universelle, 2nd ed. (1866) tome IV, p.423.
Arguments for:
Arguments against: RISM 1538-19 was reissued as “Secondo libro di canzon francese a quatro voci del…Clement Ianequin in 1548 (RISM 1548-5) and again as “Di Clement Ianequin il secondo libro di canzon francese” in 1560 (RISM 1560-8). There is a strong possibility that one of these reprints was misconstrued as a separate edition.

Phantom 06: Lumley/Moderne 1540

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Chansons nouvelles a 4 parties, composees par Clement /Jenniquin a Lyon, anno domini 1540, 4 volum.” (“Clement Jenkin” in index.)
Proposed date: 1540 (in entry)
Proposed contents:Le Difficile des chansons, premier livre contenant xxii chansons nouvelles a quatre parties en quatre livres de la facture & composition de maistre Clement Jennequin. Imprimees nouvellement a Lyon par Jaques Moderne…” [RISM J459]
Proposed by: The Lumley Library: the Catalogue of 1609, ed. Jayne, Sears and Francis R. Johnson, London: British Museum, 1956, p.285, item 2583 (editors numbering).  (The Lumley catalog of 1609 is a copy of a lost original from 1596.)
Concordances: The undated altus part book of RISM J459 is preserved in F:Pn Res. Vmc 12. (In the second book of the Difficile series from 1544, Moderne printed the date solely in the tenor book, and he may have followed the same practice with the first book.)
Arguments for: The Lumley catalog confirms (Guillo91:240) the 1540 dating of Le difficile des chansons, premiere livre suggested by Pogue69:163.
Arguments against: Payne56:285 found no correspondance with Moderne, suggested Attaingnant instead; Heartz69:129 says that nothing meeting these specifications is found in Attaingnant.

Phantom 07: Fétis/Parangon 11

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Le Parangon des chansons Unzieme livre contenant xxix chansons nouvelles… Moderne 1543
Proposed date: 1543 (in entry)
Proposed contents: Chansons by P. de Villiers, Certon, P. Colin, Bouteillier, Sandrin, Symon de Lamer, Mornable, Vassal, J. Berchem, Finot, Lupi, Claudin, Maillard, Mittantier, S. Ronce, Cheurier, Courtoys, T. Croquillon, Jennequin, Godard, G. de la Moeulle, A. Yver, Gosse.
Proposed by: Fétis in Catalogue de la bibliotheque de F. J. Fétis, Bruxelles, 1877, page 293, #2309; Collection formerly in the Fétis Collection, Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels; missing since at least 1948.
Concordances: Reese48:93 traces Maldeghem’s transcriptions of pieces by Berchem (1888) and Yver (1889).
Arguments for: Pogue69:180 builds on Reese and Maldeghem in support of the existence of the Unzieme livre.
Arguments against: Moderne seems not to have had first editions of Janequin, but borrowed from other editors, primarily Attaingnant.  If there was a Janequin piece in the Unzieme livre, it had probably appeared earlier in an Attaingnant collection.

Phantom 08: DuVerdier/Inventions

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Inventions musicales de Clem. Jennequin; premier, second, troisiéme & quatriéme Livre, où est contenu le Caquet des femmes à cinq parties; la Guerre; Bataille; Jalousie; Chant des Oiseaux; Chant de l’Alouete; Rossignol; Prise de Boulogne, &c. imprimés à Lyon, par Jacques Moderne.
Proposed date: 1544 (Fétis, 1839)
Proposed contents: A series of four books containing program chansons of Janequin printed in Lyon by Jacques Moderne.
Proposed by: Du Verdier, Antoine. La bibliotheque d’Antoine Du Verdier, contenant le catalogue de tous ceux qui ont escrit ou traduict en francois… Lyon, B. Honorati, 1585. Vol I, p. 396. (The 1585 edition is a reedition of DuVerdier’s orginal from 1572.)
Concordances: Multiple concordances in Attaingnant, DuChemin, LeRoy&Ballard etc.
Arguments for: Echoed in Guardiola, 1562 (see Phantom 13: Guardiola/caquet)
Arguments against: 1) Pogue 69:253-254 honors the attribution with a number (114) in his catalogue of the publications of Moderne, but thinks that the books in question are probably the four books of program chansons printed in 1555 by Du Chemin (C42, C43, C44, C45 in the Lesure/Thibault catalogue.) Although only two of the Du Chemin series are entitled “Inventions” the chansons listed in DuVerdier’s entry match exactly the contents of C44, C42 and C43, in that order.  The chanson contained in fourth book (C45) of DuChemin’s series, “La chasse”, is not mentioned specifically in DuVerdier’s entry, but could have figured among the pieces indicated by the concluding “et cetera.” 2) The date of 1544 (added by Fétis) is not possible inasmuch as Janequin could not have written about the retaking (“Prise”) of Boulogne before the actual occurence of this event.  Fétis 1839:252 (1544), Lesure65:182 (1545) and Pogue69:253 (1546) all get the Boulogne date wrong: Boulogne was not retaken by the French until the 25th of April, 1550 (Knecht96:244).

Phantom09: Plantin/trio

Category: Business inventory
Proposed item: Chansons de Jannequin à 2 et trio.
Proposed date: 1551 (Lesure65:I,vi)
Proposed contents: 2 and 3 part chansons by Janequin printed by Adrian le Roy
Proposed by: Plantin’s catalogue for 1555-1581 Libri a variis impressoribus editi, under category “Index Bibrorum Musices Parisiis ab Adriano le Roy impressorum”. (Ed. Stellfeld40:25)
Arguments for:
1) Plantin is normally a reliable source. 2) Susato of Antwerp printed 3-voice chansons which he attributed to Janequin in 1552.  The likelihood that Susato got these pieces directly from Janequin is very small, therefore an original must have existed from which he copied. 3) There was a market for 2 and 3 voice chansons: LeRoy and Ballard published Tiers livre in 1553 with among others 4 chansons by Arcadelt; L&B subsequently published for 2 or 3 voices in 1557 (LB34,35), 1559 (LB56) and 1560 (LB67).
Arguments against: 1) Lesure suggests that this collection is from 1551 and that the chansons a3 in Susato’s prints of 1552 were copied from this source. (Lesure51b:168, relying on Stellfeld40:25, initially suggested “between 1555 and 1559” but subsequently amended his suggestion such that it preceded Susato’s print. Plantin, however, clearly states 1555-1581, not 1551-1581, and none of the other prints in this section of Plantin’s catalog have dates which are outside the Plantin catalogue’s written demarcation. 2) In 1551, Janequin was not yet associated with LeRoy & Ballard, and had only recently moved from Attaingnant to DuChemin, who regularly published Janequin’s compositions in the period 1549-1555. 3) LeRoy & Ballard printed only two collections in 1551, the year they begin publishing music, and both are books of tablatures, their area of special competence. 4) Nothing of Janequin (except instr. arrangements) was published by LeRoy & Ballard until 1556.

Phantom 10: Plantin/chasse

Category: Business inventory
Proposed item: Chasse de Jannequin, st. 12
Proposed date: 1555-1581 (in Plantin’s catalogue)
Proposed contents: A music book printed by LeRoy & Ballard containing only “La Chasse” by Janequin.
Proposed by: From Plantin’s catalogue, section IV, “1555-1581 Libri a variis impressoribus editi (Reg 1227)” entry numbered  “bl. 211recto Index librorum Musices Parisiis ab Adriano le Roy impressorum” (Cited from Stellfeld40:25.)
Concordances: Prints of “La chasse” survive from 1528 (Att.), 1537 (Att.), 1555 (DuC) and 1559 (L&B).
Arguments for: 1) Lesure (65/I:vi) postulates that LeRoy and Ballard published a music book containing only “La chasse” on the basis of the Plantin entry, perhaps published around the same time as this work appears from the presses of Nicolas Du Chemin (1555). 2) The entry on bl. 211recto would not seem to be a confusion with  the entire “Verger” printed by LeRoy and Ballard in 1559 and containing “La Chasse” on folios 39-44, since this work has it’s own listing (Vergier de Jannequin à 4 et 5 parties, st. 10) on bl. 212verso.
Arguments against: 1) A single version from Du Chemin (1555), another single version from LeRoy & Ballard in the same period, and then yet another reprinting in the Verger of 1559 would seem to be a bit more than the market required. 2) 12 stuyvers is a steep price for a volume containing only one song, even if it’s long. The entire Verger was sold for 10 stuyvers, and one of his psalm collections went for 6.

Phantom 11: Spach/Paviam

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Clementis Iannequini Praelium ad Paviam, Alauda: Et alia iucunda. iv. Voc. Venet, ap. Hieron. Scotum. 54. Paris ap. Petr. Attaingnant.
Proposed dates: 1554 (in entry); 1545 (Heartz69:338)
Proposed contents: Clement Janequin The Battle of Pavia (sic), The Lark: and other games
Proposed by: Israel Spach, Nomenclator scriptorum philosophicorum atque plilologicorum, Strasbourg 1598, p. 574.
Concordances: Draud, Biblioteca Classica, 1611, p. 1203, probably copied from Spach.
Arguments for: 1) LM3 “La guerre” and LM5b “L’alouette” were reprinted by Gardano in 1545 and by Scotto in 1550. Heartz69:337 suggests that “54” was perhaps a mis-writing of “45” and that Sprach was referring to the Gardano print. 2) Even though the battle of Pavia (1523) was a huge defeat for the French, and not the great victory at Marignan which Janequin celebrated, this collection may well  have contained LM3 “La guerre”, since in the many reprints and arrangements which subsequently appeared, the names were frequently confused.
Arguments against: 1) The reference in this entry to Attaingnant is particularly cryptic. Heartz69:337-338 has gone so far as to wonder if the Scotto phantom is perhaps base on yet another phantom, by Attaingnant.

Phantom 12: Gumpelshaimer/1555

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Premier, second tiers et quart livre Clement Janequin à 4 parties. 1555.
Proposed date: 1555 (in entry)
Proposed contents: Probably refers to DuChemin’s “Invention” series (C42,43,44,45) although the originals were not actually entitled “tiers” and “quart”.
Proposed by:  Composer Adam Gumpelshaimer (cantor in Augsburg 1581-1625) in his Catalogus Musicus III: “Partes langquart, in Pappen un rothem leder uverzogen, mit vergülten Ring und Eckbluemen, grien am schnitt ohn bãntl. fl kr h 30.” See Schaal, Richard Das Inventar der Kantorei St. Anna in Augsburg (Kassel, 1965).
Concordances: Partbooks from the original Du Chemin series of 1555 are preserved in Stockholm and Nantes; a couple of dozen concordances are listed in Clément Janequin: Chansons polyphoniques (LM).
Arguments for:
Arguments against:

Phantom 13: Guardiola/caquet

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Lecaquet de dames, 4o Lio(n)
Proposed date: 1555 (in entry)
Proposed contents: Le caquet de femmes, a cinque parties…Paris…Du Chemin…1555…
Proposed by: Inventaire du libraire Jean Guardiola, 1562. Document 7 in Madurell-Marimon, José M. Documentos para la Historia de la imprenta y libreria en Barcelon (1474-1553), Barcelona, 1955.
Concordances: “Le caquet” was published by Attaingnant (1544), Du Chemin (1555) and LeRoy & Ballard (1559).
Arguments for: GuilloE, p, 241. May refer to the series of 4 books of program chansons printed by DuChemin in 1555, although that series was done in Paris and not Lyon.

Arguments against: 1) The first known edition of “Caquet”(LM 108) is relatively late (1544). The majority of the large program chansons were written early; many of them were written before 1528, when Attaingnant began publishing Janequin’s works, and some of them may have been written several years earlier (“La Guerre” reflects events from 1515.) 2) All of the non-specific/non-dedicatory programs were written early. The chansons in large format from his later years are either reworkings of existing chansons (the fifth voice of La Guerre in  1555) or works celebrating specific military occasions (Boulogne 1550, Metz 1552, Renty 1554.) 3) Since Janequin’s output is so varied, there are no compelling stylistic reasons for placing “Caquet” early or late. From the point of view of formal and musical elements, “Caquet” could have been written any time between 1525 and 1555. (N.B. The circumstances around Striggio’s “Cicalamento,” which appears in 1567, cannot be shown to reflect on the dating of the “Caquet”.)

Phantom 14: Renouard/caquet

Category: Bibliographical entry
Proposed item: Le caquet des femmes 1576
Proposed date: 1576 (Renouard)
Proposed contents: An edition of “Le caquet des femmes” by Du Chemin from 1576.
Proposed by: Writing in 1953, Lesure and Thibault (53:269) state that “a hand-written list of 144 books published by Du Chemin has been made by Ph. Renouard” and that the list is in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris with the call number “Rés. des Imprimés, Us. AA 87-8.” Writing in 2005 (2005:14) Audrey Boucaut confirms the call number of Renouards hand-written list, and states that Renouard mentions a re-edition of the “Caquet des femmes” from 1567, re-edition which she notes that Lesure and Thibault did not include in their 1953 catalogue. When I visited the Bibliotheque National in 2012, the library was unable to locate Renouard’s list.
Concordances: “Le caquet” was published by Attaingnant (1544), Du Chemin (1555) and LeRoy & Ballard (1559).
Arguments for:
Arguments against:
The final first edition of a Janequin chanson by Du Chemin seems to have been in 1557 (LM249 “Piteuse echo”.) The last reprint of a Janequin chanson by Du Chemin seems to have been in 1561, in the Tiers livre du receuil (LM118 “O dur amour”.)  A hiatus of 15 years and then the publication of one of Janequin’s less sought after program chansons does not fit the established pattern, to say the least.

Phantom 15: Adams/1529

Category: Inferred (by the presence of vocal arrangements with titles lacking antecedents in the rest of Janequin’s opus.)
Proposed item: A collection of 3 voice chansons by Janequin printed by Attaingnant
Proposed date: 1529
Proposed contents: 3 part chansons
Proposed by: Courtney Adams “The 3-pt chanson…” Diss. U Penn, 1974.
Concordances: There are no known antecedents for the pieces in Susato 1552-10 and 1552-11.
Argument for: 1) Adams74:165 finds the 3-pt arrangements stylistically consistent with the style of 4-pt pieces from Janequin in Attaingnants collection from 1529, and believes they were written at about that time. 2) Adams74:168 follows Lesure65:I,vi in suggesting that the 8 pieces printed by Susato with attributions to Janequin probably came from one source, the missing LeRoy & Ballard collection mentioned in Plantin’s catalog.
Argument against: 1) Based on technical evidence (Heartz71:193 cited by Adams74:84) there seem to be no missing Attaingnant prints between 1529 and 1535. 2) The existence of the Plantin/LeRoy&Ballard print has not been conclusively shown (see Phantom 09.) 3) LeRoy & Ballard began printing music in 1551, so the missing Plantin source cannot precede that date.

Phantom 16: Adams/1541

Category: Inferred (by references in other existing editions.
Proposed item: An earlier version of: CANTVS / DI CONSTANTIO FESTA / IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI A TRE VOCI / Con la Gionta de Quaranta Madrigali di IHAN GERO, Noua / mente ristampato & da molti errori emendato.  Aggiuntoui si / milmente Trenta Canzoni Francese di Ianequin. / MDXLI / Excudebat Venetiis, Apud Antonium Gardane. (RISM 1541-13)
Proposed date: Before 1541
Proposed contents: Adams: same as 1541-13; Fenlon “at least the pieces by Gero”
Proposed by: Adams74:195; Fenlon88:231.
Arguments for:
Arguments against:
1) Adams says earlier version likely because of (a) “newly reprinted… emended” in title and (b) because an earlier version of 1541-13 could have contained “Jay mis mon coeur” by Janequin (which is not in 1541-13, but is in Petrius 1541-2). 2) Fenlon follows Adams at least as far as Gero is concerned. 3) Lewis88:321 is doubtful, points out that claims of emendations and being newly printed were not always authentic. Lewis suggests that (a) both 1541-13 and 1541-2 drew directly on Attaingnant 1535-x, (b) that 1541-13 came after 1541-2, and  (c)1541-13 emends/corrects the Petrius version (1541-2). Lewis points out (d) that after the version of 1543-21, Gardanos subsequent reprinting of this volume (in 1553, 1559 and 1570) do so without the Janequin attribution. 4) Norsen: It seems unlikely that the version with the largest number of borrowings 1541-13 would follow a version with fewer borrowings.

Phantom 17: Lewis/G67a

Category: Inferred (by reference in another edition)
Proposed item: Earlier edition (G67a) of  CANTVS / CLEMENT IANEQVIN / SECONDO LIBRO DI CANZON / Francese a quatro Voci del diuino & Eeccelente musico clement / Ianequin & altri autori Nouamente ristampato / A QVATRO VOCI / In Venetia Appresso di / Antonio Gardane / 1548 (RISM 1548- 5) (G119)
Proposed date: 1545 or later
Proposed contents: Same as 1548-5
Proposed by: Lewis88:467
Concordances: Contents of 1548-5 (G119) are the same as 1538-19 (G2) and of 1560-8 (G260).
Arguments for: (1) Lewis88:467 says “the existence of an earlier edition is implied by the word ristampato.” She suggests that this earlier edition might have been printed in the same period as Gardano’s print containing Janequin’s program chansons from 1545. (G67; RISM J446)
Arguments against: 1) Gardano printed the same collection of French chansons, including some by Janequin, three times: 1538-19, 1548-5 and 1560-8.  The first time he called them “Venticinque canzone…”, the second time “Clement Janequin/Secondo libro…” and the third time “Di Clement Janequin/Il secondo libro…” Instead of referring to a fourth instance of this collection,”ristampato” in 1548-5 may refer back to 1538-19, the contents of which are exactly the same as 1548-5, even though the titles differ. 2) The decision to use the phrase “libro secondo” in the title of 1548-5 may have been motivated by a desire by Gardano to keep this edition separate in the minds of his customers from the book of Janequin program chansons which Gardano published in 1545, in which “libro primo” figures in the title.

Phantom 18: Lewis/G118

Category: Inferred (by typographical features from other editions)
Proposed item: CLEMENT IANEQVIN / PRIMO LIBRO DI CANZON / Francese a quatro Voci del diuino & Eeccelente musico clement / Ianequin & altri autori Nouamente ristampato / A QVATRO VOCI / In Venetia Appresso di / Antonio Gardane / 1548 (G118)
Proposed contents: Same as G67 (J446-1545 “La Bataglie…libro primo)
Concordances: (several previous editions)
Proposed date: 1548
Proposed by: Lewis88:599-600.
Arguments for: The altus copy of J446 (Gardano’s 1545 edition of Janequin’s program chansons) in the Civico Musico in Bologna contains replacement leaves dating them to 1548 at the earliest. Lewis concludes from this and other typographical features that there must have been a subsequent edition in 1548.
Arguments against: Sections of G67 were reprinted after 1547, and that an error was made on the Tenor title page of G119.  Whether or not this means that a new edition was made is a bit academic, especially since we have complete versions of all the chansons involved.

Phantom 19: DuChemin/ “Premier livre”

Category: Inferred

Proposed item: Du Chemin collection entitled “Premier livre contenant plusiers chansons spirituelles, avec les lamentations de Ieremie: nouvellement composées par M. Clement Ianequin…”
Proposed date: 1555 or before
Proposed contents: Identical to LeRoy & Ballard “Premier livre” (1556)
Proposed by: Duchamp13:180
Arguments for
: 1) Du Chemin published a collection with the title Second livre des chansons et cantiques spirituelles…par M. Clément Ianequin in 1555.  No collection bearing the title Premier livre… is known from Du Chemin’s firm in the period 1554-1555. Duchamp suggests that Du Chemin did in fact publish a collection entitled Premier livre… which is now lost, and that this collection was reprinted by LeRoy and Ballard in 1556 as Premier Livre contenant plusiers chansons sprituells avec les Lamentations de Jeremiah, and that the decision to do so was related to competition over printing privileges.
Arguments against: 1) 16th century printers were relatively loose in their numbering logic, and numbered series often refered to genres and not to specific composers. 2) The title page of Du Chemin’s Second livre reads “…avec privilege du Roy pour six ans” in contradistinction to what Duchamp13:180 reports. 3) The choice of the title Second livre of 1555 can be seen in relation to (or to distinguish it from) the Chansons spirituelles de M. Ant. de Muret….mises en musique…par Cl. Goudimel published by Du Chemin in 1555 (listed by Draudius in 1610).