Preface by publisher Nicholas Du Chemin to the volume (Missae duodecim) containing Janequin’s Missa L’Aveuglé dieu (1554)

Studiosus musices lectoribus Nicolaus du Chemin, Agendicensis. S.P.D. Quantum hactenus diligentiae, curae, studii, sudoris, pecuniae etiam collocaverimus in praestantissimae artis Musices illustratione, nemini vestrum obscurum esse potest (Lectores benevoli) non ex iis modo quae multis anté annis edita fuerat, ceu floribus excerptis, sed ex iis etian, quae recens opera nostra venerunt in lucem, Canticis, Psalmis, Modulis, et aliis id genus. Nondum tamen tot, ac tantis laboribus defatigati, sed potius juvandae hujus rei studio quodammodo flagrantes, Missas duodecim nunquam antea excusas, unà cum undecim Modulis festorum solemnium totius anni, adjectaque ode Beatae Virginis Mariea vulgo Magnificat appellata, secundom octo canendi modos, à peritissimis musicae collegimus, et quam tersissimi potuimus typis ad honorem Dei, et usum vestrum ita excudendas curavimus, ut simul, et separatim pro animi sententia comparari possint. Fruimini igitur (Lectores) nec sinatis merito vos (gresk) «apoulous» magno nominis vestri dedecore vocitari. Nos vero si, quae prefecta sunt à nobis, probata esse senserimus, conabimur (Deo favente) Cantica, Psalmos, Missas et alia ejusmodi quam plurima breviter majusculis characteribus excudenda. Valete, et boni consulite. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 8. Idus Octobris. 1554.


Nicolas Du Chemin of Sens sends greetings to studious readers of music. How much diligence, care, study, sweat and also money we have expended in illustrating the most excellent art of Music can be obscure to no one of you (kindly readers) not only from those things which had been published many years ago, as it were, plucked flowers, but also from those which more recently, through our effort, come to light; Canticles, Psalms, Motets, and others of that kind. We nevertheless, not yet so wearied by such great labors, but rather aflame with a certain zeal in fostering this matter, have gathered twelve masses never before printed, together with eleven motets of the solemn feasts of the whole year with an added ode to the Blessed Virgin Mary, commonly called the Magnificat, according to eight modes of singing, from [persons] most skilled in music, and have, to the honor of God and for your use, so endeavored to print them with the neatest type, that they can be prepared together or separately, according to one’s purpose. Therefore, Readers, enjoy [this] and do not allow yourselves to be called unmusical to the great disgrace of your name. But if we find what we have put forth approved we shall try (with God’s favor) to print in large type, Canticles, Psalms, Masses, and as many other of this sort as possible. Farewell, and take it in good part. Paris. 8 October 1554.

(Translation James Heywood Alexander, «Nicolas du Chemin’s Moduli undecim festorum of 1554» Phd diss, Union Theological Seminary, 1967.)